Grapes have been described in Ayurveda as फलोत्तोमा, which means the best in all fruits. The raisins obtained by drying the grapes are the best to release constipation and bloating. Particularly black raisins are used for this purpose.
Draksha fruit has got immense importance in Ayurveda, Maharishi Vagbhata has described Drakasha as- Vrushya- it helps in increasing potency and maintains the reproductive health. Chakshushya- means its consumption is beneficiary to the health of the eyes. Maintains vision. Srushta vit mutra- releases the mal (unwanted matter) out of the body, particularly black raisins. They are sweet to taste, sheets(cold) in potency, and balya (increases strength). These gunas mainly act on the pitta dosha and bring it to normal. It also normalizes Vaat dosha. Due to its Balya guna, it is used in patients with kshayroga (Diseases like Cancer, Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and autoimmune diseases ). It is indicated in Shramshwas (which means tiredness after a long day of work). Its consumption can fight away exhaustion in a little time. Students who work hard can keep consuming grapes or raisins to not be exhausted. It satisfies thirst and causes the तर्पण कर्म (makes mind and body fresh and enthusiastic). द्राक्षासव is a famous formulation used in children to speed up their stunted growth and it also helps in providing proper nutrients. It can also be used in those who have suffered from surgeries, accidents, or grievous disorders and have diminishing physical and mental strength. Draksha helps in relieving Vaataj and Pittaj Kaas (mainly dry cough). It also works on the larynx and restores the original voice in cases of laryngitis or sour throat. Sour grapes have properties, slightly different from the normal ones. They can slightly increase the pitta dosha due to its sour taste. Grapes are an important ingredient in the preparation of wines since the olden times. In bleeding Disorders (like epistaxis, bleeding ulcers, bleeding haemorrhoids), it is advised to drink शरबत, मन्थ prepared from grapes, khajur, kokam, instead of regular water, as it helps in controlling the bleeding. Botanical information- Order- Vitales Family- Vitaceae Genus- Vitis Species- V.vinifera The fruit or berry is known as grape and is used extensively for various formulations.
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This herb is of importance, mainly in the treatment of diseases in children. It is included by Charak in the संज्ञास्थापन गण, it helps in restoring the consciousness of the patient. For this purpose, choorna of vekhand is blown into the nose of an unconscious patient (this is known as…
Read MoreGrapes have been described in Ayurveda as फलोत्तोमा, which means the best in all fruits. The raisins obtained by drying the grapes are the best to release constipation and bloating. Particularly black raisins are used for this purpose.Draksha fruit has got immense importance in Ayurveda, Maharishi Vagbhata has described Drakasha…
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