आमलकी - Emblica Officinalis

Popularly known as आवळा in Marathi, is a seasonal fruit yet very dear to most. It is found in abundance in the winter season. It has got immense importance in Ayurveda due to the combination of Hirda, Aawla, and Beheda called त्रिफळा. Also, it alone is one of the best Rasayan dravyas stated in Ayurveda.

The famous formulation च्यवनप्राश has Amla as its main ingredient. It is the best rejuvenating, antioxidant, anti-aging, and immunity-boosting formulation. Every consumption of it builds up our immunity. In the times of Covid 19, it is advised by the AYUSH ministry to consume it every day.

It acts on all three Doshas but specifically on pitta dosha. It is useful in almost all pitta disorders. It is advisable to consume one Amla fruit or a dry amla every day to avoid diseases like Ulcers, Piles, liver diseases, and disorders like nausea, and vomiting. Its juice is useful in treating anorexia.

Its consumption can speed up the control of many autoimmune diseases, it alone cannot cure but can assist the treatment. As it is a rejuvenating agent, cancer patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy should consume this every day for minimal loss of noncancerous cells.

It is used as a supportive treatment in Ayurveda for haemorrhagic disorders like bleeding piles or bleeding ulcers, and also in anaemics. Just like an apple, even this fruit can keep the doctor away.

It’s Choorna if used with other skin-brightening dravyas like Saariva, Manjishtha, Halad, Ushir as a lep can improve complexion. As it contains Vitamin C, it acts as an Antioxidant and rejuvenates the skin. It also avoids the greying of hair and hair fall.

Daily consumption is described as वृष्य, which is good for reproductive health.


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वायुः पित्तं कपश्चेति त्रयोदोषाः समासतः प्रत्येक ते त्रिधा
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