Saptaposhak Multigrain

Saptaposhak Multigrain is a natural, healthy processed food for children. The ingredients are processed without compromising their quality and functions (Guna and karma). All the contents nourish the seven types of tissues (Saptadhatu), providing natural strength and improving immunity. This is a complete Ayurveda-based product and does not contain sugar.



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Processed rice, Wheat, Jowar, Ragi, Moong dal, Urad dal, Chana dal, and Millets.

Calcium deficiency, Weakness, and Low immunity.

People diagnosed with celiac disease should take this product under expert guidance.

Warm milk.

Balances tridoshas.

Instructions to use

Mix 1 spoon of Saptaposhak Multigrain with 1 cup of milk or water. Boil it on a slow flame. Stir for 5 minutes continuously to avoid any formation of lumps and add sugar or salt as per taste.

More information

This product is in powder form. Keep the product in a container to improve its shelf life and store it in a cool and dry place. This product does not contain any colour or taste enhancers.

वायुः पित्तं कपश्चेति त्रयोदोषाः समासतः प्रत्येक ते त्रिधा
वृद्धिक्षयसाम्यविभेदतः ।। उत्कृष्टमध्याल्पतया त्रिधा वृद्धि
क्षयावपि विकृताविकृता देहं घ्नान्ति ते वतर्यन्ति च॥