Trikantak Raw

Trikantak is a potent herb known for its aphrodisiac (sexual stimulant) or Vrishya qualities, making it beneficial for both men and women. It is renowned for its positive effects on bodybuilding and has applications in treating cardiac issues, skin conditions, prostate and urinary system diseases, as well as PCOS. Trikantak also enhances brain function and acts as an anti-aging agent.



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Tribulus terrestris, Gokshura, Gokharu, Hathchikar, and Puncture vine.

It has a single ingredient.

Sexual problems, Urinary diseases, Gout, Kidney stone, Kidney problems, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Prostate gland problems, and Cardiac diseases.

Nothing specific, however, take this under the guidance of a Sunad Garden expert.


Balances Tridoshas.

Botanical description

It is a shrub with young parts covered in silky hair. The leaves are opposite, paripinnate, with 3-6 pairs of oblong leaflets. The flowers are yellow in colour, and the fruits are greenish yellow, covered in fine hairs.

More information

This product is in bharad form. Keep it in a container to improve its shelf life. Store it in a cool and dry place. This product does not contain any colour or taste enhancers.

वायुः पित्तं कपश्चेति त्रयोदोषाः समासतः प्रत्येक ते त्रिधा
वृद्धिक्षयसाम्यविभेदतः ।। उत्कृष्टमध्याल्पतया त्रिधा वृद्धि
क्षयावपि विकृताविकृता देहं घ्नान्ति ते वतर्यन्ति च॥