Madhura Powder

Madhura is referred to as the "queen of herbs." It has been used to balance hormones and as a general tonic to improve the female body’s health and libido. In addition to reducing both mental and physical stress, it also helps control diabetes, lower cholesterol, and assists in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections, cancer, swelling, and infertility.



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Asparagus recemosus, Shatavari, Narayani, and Climbing asparagus.

It has a single ingredient.

Infertility, Libido, Hormonal imbalance, Cancer, Swelling, Menstrual disorders, Bacterial and fungal infection, Anxiety, Depression, PCOD, Diabetes, High cholesterol, Fibroids, and Lactation insufficiency.

It should be avoided when taking diuretic medicine. Take this under the guidance of a Sunad Garden expert.

Warm milk, and Ghee.

Controls Vata dosha.

Botanical description

Madhura is a woody climber that reaches heights of 1-2 m. It has thin, uniform leaves that resemble pine needles, and its white flowers are present in short spikes. The leaves, sometimes known as cladodes, are simply modified stems. The branches are covered in spines. It has branching climbing stems that can grow up to 2 m in length.

More information

This product is in powder form. Keep the product in a container to improve its shelf life. Store it in a cool and dry place. This product does not contain any colour or taste enhancers.

वायुः पित्तं कपश्चेति त्रयोदोषाः समासतः प्रत्येक ते त्रिधा
वृद्धिक्षयसाम्यविभेदतः ।। उत्कृष्टमध्याल्पतया त्रिधा वृद्धि
क्षयावपि विकृताविकृता देहं घ्नान्ति ते वतर्यन्ति च॥